都需要下载,upload.part1.rar, upload.part2.rar, upload.part3.rar,Upload.part4.rar 应该完整下载。下载后,只需要解压其中一个文件即可。
upload 也可以单独绑定一个域名作为附件。别跟我说源码不全,
(All need to be downloaded, upload.part1.rar, upload.part2.rar, upload.part3.rar,
Upload.part4.rar should download in full. Once downloaded, you only need to unzip one of the files.
Source code + locomotive collector.rar is decompressed and xiaopi_web_sFFuQU2jVzj3ssHcXYuS is the website directory.
upload can also bind a domain name separately as an attachment. Don't tell me the source code is incomplete,
After the source code is installed, the data needs to be refreshed, that is, a static page needs to be generated
The core of the empire, study it slowly by yourself! Seven or eight G of the source code to check the virus by yourself!)