安卓 模拟聊天截图生成器 v2.2
还在羡慕网络上那些搞笑或感人的聊天对话吗? Chat Screenshot Generator是一款模拟两方聊天对话并生成截图的工具。支持模拟微信、QQ、支付宝等软件。消息类型支持:文字消息、图片消息、语音消息、表情消息、转消息等,有了它,你就可以轻松搞定。(Still envious of those funny or touching chat conversations on the Internet? Chat Screenshot Generator is a tool that simulates two-party chat conversations and generates screenshots. Support to simulate WeChat, QQ, Alipay and other software. Message type support: text message, picture message, voice message, emoticon message, transfer message, etc. With it, you can easily handle it.)