52ky 发表于 2022-5-11 12:52:14



(Embedded mobile portable devices are powered by batteries, and the capacity of batteries is limited by volume and weight. Therefore, the power consumption of embedded mobile devices has become the key issue of research. WiFi and GPRS network access strategies are used to study the change of power consumption of mobile phone system. The experimental results show that the battery life of the two strategies is reduced by about 50% in the small flow mode (10KB / min), the energy consumption is faster in the large flow mode (2Mbit / min), and the power consumption of WiFi mode is about 85% lower than that of GPRS mode under the same data transmission volume. Experiments are carried out on two real machines based on Android system platform. The results show that it is of great significance to study the power consumption reduction of mobile network module.)

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查看完整版本: 基于Android系统的网络模块功耗评估与分析.pdf