本项目是一个数独游戏小项意图源码,有容易、中等、困难三种难度级别,难度发挥在提示数字的多少上,最难的级别只提示九个数字,其他数字全赖自己推理,输入的时候会自动弹出一个小数字键盘,而且开始游戏以后会自动播放后台音乐,只能在代...(This project is a Sudoku game sub item intention source code, which has three difficulty levels: easy, medium and difficult. The difficulty is played in the number of prompts. The most difficult level only prompts nine numbers, and other numbers depend on your own reasoning. A decimal keyboard will pop up automatically when entering, and background music will be played automatically after the game starts. Only in the generation)