52ky 发表于 2022-4-21 12:33:09


在PS中制作飞溅效果并不是一个容易掌握的技能。 或者它会花费你很多时间。 给大家分享一个全新的一键特效PS插件,制作碎片粒子飞溅。 在Photoshop中,可以一键生成动感炫酷的碎片粒子飞溅效果,方便好用!

(Making Splash Effect in PS is not an easy skill to master. Or it will take you a lot of time. Let's share a new one click special effect PS plug-in to make debris particle splash. In Photoshop, you can generate a dynamic and cool fragment particle splash effect with one click, which is convenient and easy to use!)

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查看完整版本: PS一键生成飞溅碎片效果插件