52ky 发表于 2022-4-20 10:19:05


想象一下,如果您可以享受美味的甜点而不必挣扎,不必放弃自己喜欢的食物,不必经历渴望和意志之间的紧张关系,不必感到内疚,也不必担心一旦开始进食就不会停下来。 成功减肥有多舒服? 正念饮食会引导你进入这种状态。

(Imagine if you can enjoy delicious dessert without struggling, without giving up your favorite food, without experiencing the tension between desire and will, without feeling guilty or worrying that you won't stop once you start eating. How comfortable is it to lose weight successfully? Mindfulness diet will lead you into this state.)

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查看完整版本: 《学会吃饭》不只让你会瘦身