许多人厌倦了制作短视频,因为方法不对。 要知道,任何标准化的具体操作,最终都会成为无效的竞争。 现在做短视频,哪种策略和框架太晚了? 如何预测一个平台的未来,不被细节拖累,教你五招解决99%的疑难杂症以及底层方法论的终极运用。(Many people are tired of making short videos because the method is wrong. You know, any standardized specific operation will eventually become an invalid competition. Which strategy and framework is too late to make short videos now? How to predict the future of a platform without being dragged down by details, teach you five tips to solve 99% of difficult and miscellaneous diseases and the ultimate application of the underlying methodology.)