iPad是苹果企业于2010年1月27日发布的一种平板电脑。定位介于苹果的智能手机iPhone和笔记本电脑产品(MacBook、MacBookPro与MacBookAir)之间。提供浏览互联网、收发电子邮件、观看电子书、播放音频或视频等功能,与iPhone使用近似的iOS系统,可直接运行所有iPhone的使用程序,在AppStore有很多软件(The iPad is a tablet computer released by Apple on January 27, 2010. It is positioned between Apple's smartphone iPhone and laptop products (MacBook, MacBookPro and MacBookAir). It provides functions such as browsing the Internet, sending and receiving emails, watching e-books, playing audio or video, etc. It uses an iOS system similar to iPhone, and can directly run all iPhone applications. There are many software in the AppStore)