第5章 MIDP低级界面开发
MIDP高档界面开发中,MIDP自身提供了很多的控件API开发类,使用这些控件可以简化开发时刻,可是有利就有弊。正是因为这些控件类使用了笼统的方法,把详细的实现细节隐藏了,开发人员只可以依据已有的模式进行开发本资料共包括以下附件:(In the development of MIDP high-end interface, MIDP itself provides many control API development classes. Using these controls can simplify the development time, but there are advantages and disadvantages. It is precisely because these control classes use general methods to hide the detailed implementation details. Developers can only develop based on the existing patterns. This material includes the following attachments:)