52ky 发表于 2022-4-15 08:45:53


视频剪辑运营课程账号运营直播全套视频课程,课程涵盖:直播间数百人的心路历程,寻找正确定位方向,直播间流量入口,三大核心数据 等内容系统教学,快速掌握拍摄和剪辑技巧。

(The video editing operation course account operates a full set of live video courses. The courses cover: the mental journey of hundreds of people in the live broadcasting room, finding the correct positioning direction, traffic entrance in the live broadcasting room, three core data and other content system teaching, so as to quickly master shooting and editing skills.)

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查看完整版本: 手机剪辑从入门到精通零基础学习