52ky 发表于 2022-4-14 14:36:19

2021 年电影混合剪辑赚钱技巧

现在很多人都在操作抖音视频混音,这门课是技术篇! 薄膜混合和切割的材料不短缺。 世界上薄膜材料多,投资少。 一台电脑,一部手机,可实现低成本高效率的生产。

(Many people are now working on the video mixing, which is a tiktok. There is no shortage of materials for film mixing and cutting. There are many thin-film materials and less investment in the world. One computer and one mobile phone can realize low-cost and high-efficiency production.)

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查看完整版本: 2021 年电影混合剪辑赚钱技巧