52ky 发表于 2022-4-14 13:44:37


4大模块,40个精美视频,从最小的白色识别到相机,再到构图、布光、取景和后期处理,在这里,你可以学到“拍好照片”的所有核心技巧。 0基础爷爷奶奶学习毫无压力,拒绝一切专业术语,用最简单的语言拆解手机摄影的思路和步骤,简单实用。

(4 modules and 40 exquisite videos, from the smallest white recognition to the camera, to composition, lighting, framing and post-processing. Here, you can learn all the core skills of "taking good photos". 0 basic grandparents learn without pressure, refuse all professional terms, and disassemble the ideas and steps of mobile photography in the simplest language, which is simple and practical.)

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 40讲手机摄影,秒变摄影师