解码未来 Bmob何少岳:后端云服务(Baas)驱动移动开发
Bmob开创CEO何少岳博士在5月18日移动开发讲座深圳站会场上为开发者深度分析后端云服务(BaaS)驱动移动开发,让移动开发者无需掌握任何一门后端开发技术,无需租借服务器,无需担心后端环境部署和扩充就可以轻松实现创意!(Dr. He Shaoyue, the founder CEO of Bmob, drove mobile development for developers by in-depth analysis of back-end cloud services (BaaS) at the mobile development seminar Shenzhen station on May 18, so that mobile developers can easily achieve creativity without mastering any back-end development technology, renting servers, and worrying about back-end environment deployment and expansion!)