Windows Phone 7 应用程序图标制作指南
使用程序的图标首要用来表达使用程序的用处,传达使用程序的意念,也是获取使用者的好感的第一道门面。一个杰出的使用程序图标不光要可以成功招引使用的目光,还要可以成为使用程序的最好销售员,成功的把使用程序营销给用户。有意开发WindowsPhone7使用程序的企业或个人除了要用心设计功能优良。(The icon of using the program is mainly used to express the use of the program, convey the idea of using the program, and also the first facade to obtain the user's favor. An outstanding application icon not only can successfully attract the attention of users, but also can become the best salesperson to successfully market the application to users. Enterprises or individuals who intend to develop Windows Phone 7 user programs should not only design carefully but also have excellent functions.)