天天联系:全新概念的云通讯录 隆重上线
近来,Aico智使用开发团队(aicoapp)发布新品“天天联系”,这是一款具有众多云概念功能的通信录管理软件,在实用性和易用性远胜于原生通信录,可快捷地与老友交换互动,拉近你我他的间隔,让办公和日子愈加轻松。(Recently, Aico Smart Use Development Team (aicoapp) released a new product "Contact Everyday", which is an address book management software with many cloud concept functions. It is far more practical and easy to use than the original address book. It can quickly exchange and interact with old friends, narrow the gap between you and me, and make office and day easier.)