Android研究院之游戏开发数据库SQLite (八)文档
数据库最经典的四个操作添加、删去、修复、搜索,在管理很多数据的时候使用数据库可以帮我们敏捷定位当时需要管理的数据,举个比如比如现在要实现一个搜索功能用数据库的话只需要其间一个搜索条件一个数据库语句就可以敏捷的在N条数据中找到我们需要的数据,假如不使用数据库那么搜索起来会十分费事,效率大打折扣,所以在管理很多数据的时候使用数据库是明确的选择,在Android的开发中使用的数据库是SQLite,它是一个轻量级的数据库、十分小、移植性好、效率高、可靠,嵌入式设备因为遭到硬件条件的限制所以十分合适使用SQLite数据库。本资料共包括以下附件:(The four most classic operations of the database are adding, deleting, repairing, and searching. When managing a lot of data, using the database can help us quickly locate the data that needs to be managed at that time. For example, if we want to implement a search function with the database now, we can quickly find the data we need in N pieces of data by using only one search condition and one database statement, If you don't use the database, it will be very difficult to search, and the efficiency will be greatly reduced. Therefore, it is a clear choice to use the database when managing a lot of data. The database used in Android development is SQLite. It is a lightweight database, very small, portable, efficient, and reliable. Embedded devices are very suitable for using SQLite databases because of the limitations of hardware conditions. This document includes the following annexes:)