Android研究院之游戏开发场景特效 (九)文档
大家在玩游戏的时候应该有时候会发现在切换游戏场景的时候界面会播放一段十分美观的动画比如一个百叶窗的方式关闭界面然后在打开界面效果十分美观用户体会也十分好,今天我向大家解读游戏开发中常用的四种切换场景的特效动画。(When playing the game, you should sometimes find that when switching game scenes, the interface will play a very beautiful animation, such as a shutter to close the interface and then open the interface. The user experience is also very good. Today, I will explain to you the four kinds of special effect animation commonly used in game development to switch scenes.)