DeliveryBoy可以用来做AndroidAndEngine游戏的实例教程参考,译为送信的男孩,好像是一个付小费的游戏,估量也是外国的Android达人写的,在此与大家共享,没有玩过,所以这儿不多说了,这是完整的游戏源码,将apk文件拷贝到Android手机平台可运行看到界面。(DeliveryBoy can be used as an example tutorial reference for Android AndEngine games. It is translated into a letter sending boy, which seems to be a tip game. It is estimated that it was also written by a foreign Android expert. It is shared with you here and has not been played, so I won't say much here. This is the complete game source code. Copy the apk file to the Android mobile platform to see the interface.)