Android Chalmers游戏代码完整版
这是一款Android手机上运行的游戏——Chalmers源代码文件,没搞清楚这是个什么游戏,名称不认识哈,大家看看截图,有玩过的没?这是Java的源码文件,适当完整,游戏编写是基于andengine和libgdx引擎开发,对Android手机有研究或需求的可下载源码参考。(This is a game running on an Android phone -- Chalmers source code file. I don't know what this game is. I don't know its name. Look at the screenshot. Have you played it? This is the source code file of Java, which is properly complete. The game is written based on the andengine and libgdx engines. It is a downloadable source code reference for research or demand on Android phones.)