爬虫教程:第三课 实践尚妆网AJAX请求处理和内容提取
话说现在基本上大家都在网上买工具,G家经济数据现已可以在网络购物的数据中稍微窥见一二,再加上现在B2B行业的继续火爆,大有把一切买卖搬到网上来的趋势,这个系列教程就来讲讲如果爬取这些很多的电商买卖的数据。(Now, almost everyone buys tools online, and the national economic data can now be seen a little in the online shopping data. In addition, the B2B industry continues to be popular, and there is a great trend to move all businesses online. This series of tutorials will talk about how to access these many e-commerce business data.)