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游客可以阅览网站的主页,但是需求注册为会员后才能对电子书进免费行阅览或租赁。会员登录需求输入帐号和密码信息,每个会员的帐号下都会对应有相关的自己信息,如自己邮箱,地址等,不一样的会员等级在租赁图书时会有不一样的待遇。以管理员身份登录也需求输入账号和密码,可以管理会员信息,添加通告,管理留言板等,管理员的人物在该系统中具有最高的权限。(Tourists can read the homepage of the website, but they need to register as members to read or rent e-books for free. Members need to input their account and password information to log in. Each member's account will be corresponding to their own information, such as their email address, etc. Different member levels will have different treatment when renting books. Login as an administrator also requires entering an account and password, which can manage member information, add announcements, manage message boards, etc. The administrator has the highest authority in the system.)