随着互联网的发展,高并发、大数据量的网站请求越来越高。而这些高请求都是基础的技术和细节组合而成的。本课程就从实践案例出发给大家原景重现高并发架构常用技术点及具体演练。通过该课程的学习,普通的技术人员就可以快速搭建起千万级的高并发大数据网站方式。(With the development of the Internet, the requests for high concurrency and large data websites are getting higher and higher. These high requests are a combination of basic technologies and details. This course starts from practical cases to reproduce common technical points and specific drills of high concurrency architecture. Through the study of this course, ordinary technicians can quickly build a tens of millions of high concurrency big data websites.)