EJB 3.0从入门到精通
EJB3.0从入门到精通面向ejb3.0的实际使用开发,通过很多的实例,循序渐进地为读者介绍了相关ejb3.0开发所触及的各类知识。全书共分16章,内容顺次包括了javaee概述、ejb基础、搭建ejb环境、会话bean、耐久化实体、耐久化实体管理器、对象联系映射、jpql查询、消息驱动bean、业务、提升ejb3.0功能、从web层访问ejb3.0和ejb安全、ejb和web服务及ejb发挥层jsf等知识,并创建了二个综合实例,分别是新/闻管理系统和人事管理系统。.(EJB 3.0 introduces readers to various kinds of knowledge related to ejb3.0 development step by step through many examples from the beginning to the mastery of the practical use and development of ejb3.0. The book is divided into 16 chapters. The contents in turn include java ee overview, ejb foundation, building ejb environment, session bean, durable entity, durable entity manager, object relation mapping, jpql query, message driven bean, business, improving ejb3.0 functions, accessing ejb3.0 and ejb security from the web layer, ejb and web services, and ejb playing layer jsf. Two comprehensive examples are created, namely, the new/news management system and the personnel management system)